Feeling stuck in your career? Unsure of your next move or how to achieve your dream job? Whether you’re aiming to become a contracts administrator in a small construction firm or the finance director of a multinational corporation, setting clear career goals and defining the steps to get there are essential for success and satisfaction in your chosen field.

Those who are successful in the workplace apply a basic concept known as career planning. So why not use the same strategy in your career by creating a career development plan that puts you in control of your direction?

Our suggestions below will help you set your career goals and write a career plan with clear, actionable objectives. Ready to take charge of your future? Let’s get started and read through this blog!

What are Career Goals?

A career goal is like a personal mission statement that defines the ultimate job you aspire to achieve throughout your career. For instance, do you dream of becoming the creative director of a top advertising agency or the chief engineer at a leading tech firm? By setting a realistic and clear career goal, you can create an action plan or personal development plan to guide you toward your professional ambitions. What specific job title are you aiming for, and how do you plan to get there? Identifying this goal will help you map out the steps needed to make your dream a reality.

7 Steps to Set and Achieve Career Goals

7 Steps to Set and Achieve Career Goals

There are a few measures you need to take along the path to assist you in realizing your dream career. It takes more than simply motivation to handle your work well. Making a personal growth plan and preparing ahead of time is essential to achieving your goals. Here’s how to do it-

1. Explore the Possibilities

You may have known exactly what kind of work you want to pursue for a long time. Or maybe you’re considering a few different occupations but aren’t sure one is the greatest fit for you. In any case, the first step in creating a career plan is to thoroughly research the professions that you find interesting and make sure you are comfortable with the possibilities available to you.

Ask Yourself:

  • How do my skills and interests match up? Where are the gaps?
  • What do I find particularly inspiring about the occupation?
  • What training, support, and resources could I expect to receive? Will these help or quicken my success?
  • What is the typical work environment like?
  • What are the standard responsibilities?
  • What advancement opportunities are available?
  • What level of work-life balance is achievable?

By answering these questions, you will gain greater insight into your identified occupations.

2. Compare Options

Comparing your possibilities is the next stage to make decisions. Begin by considering which occupation suits you best and will satisfy your professional and personal ambitions. Reflect on which jobs align with your skills, interests, and values, and think about the demand for these occupations in the future. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, considering factors such as potential salary, work-life balance, and long-term career satisfaction. By objectively assessing these elements, you can identify which job is the best fit for you and will help you achieve your career goals.

Establish Short-Term Goals

Making a list of immediate steps that will get you started toward your career goal is the third phase. Concentrate on the following goals you have over the next three to five years-

  • Learning- Do you need to earn certain qualifications?
  • Experience- What experience do you need to acquire?
  • Skills Development- What specific skills should you develop?
  • Ideal Next Job- Which role is appropriate for the next progression?
  • Professional Membership- Would professional membership aid your career advancement and support your professional development goals?

Review job descriptions for your next role to identify any skills or competencies you need to focus on.

3. Establish Long-Term Objectives

Once you have set your short-term goals, shift your focus to long-term planning. Make a realistic career progression path that outlines the positions you must move through and the necessary expertise, responsibilities, and abilities. For each job, specify the technical skills to acquire, the soft skills to develop, and the competencies to learn, such as commercial awareness and negotiation.

Identify the specific experience and achievements needed, and consider opportunities for personal or professional growth, like professional memberships or upskilling, to support your professional development goals. Determine the ideal tenure for each role to build the necessary expertise. This pathway will guide you from your current position to your ultimate career goal.

4. Write SMARTER Career Goals

When creating your action plan, set clearly defined short objectives you can work towards using the SMARTER system. Make your goals specific by being as clear as possible. Ensure they are measurable by quantifying what you must achieve. Keep your goals achievable and within reach. Pay attention to reasonable, and realistic goals.

Set timely goals by creating timeframes for completing each step. Make sure your goals are empowering, feeling right for you, and helping you make the changes you want. Finally, keep your goals reviewable, allowing flexibility to adjust to changing conditions. By following the SMARTER system, you can create a solid plan to achieve your career goals.

5. Be Flexible and Measure Your Progress

Be flexible. Your priorities and objectives can be altered over time due to personal circumstances or external factors. Check-in periodically to ensure your goals are still achievable and your objectives remain realistic. Measure your progress and congratulate yourself on your achievements.

If you need support to make improvements, consider seeking help from a mentor, enrolling in a training course, or exploring stretch opportunities in your current role.

6. Write Down Your Goals

Career planning or goal setting will only achieve its purpose if you diligently follow the path you have planned. Write down your career goals as part of your career development plan to keep a clear focus, identify achievements, and make any necessary alterations. Your career deserves focused planning, just like planning an important trip.

What If You Are Still Unsure?

7 Steps to Set and Achieve Career Goals

If you’re unsure about a specific occupation of interest, start with a broad initial career goal. Think of it as setting a general direction rather than a precise destination. As you gain more experience, your plans will become clearer, and you’ll either confirm that you’re on the right path or decide to explore other options.

If you’re unsure about a specific occupation of interest, start with a broad initial career goal. Think of it as setting a general direction rather than a precise destination. As you gain more experience, your plans will become clearer, and you’ll either confirm that you’re on the right path or decide to explore other options.


Feeling stuck in your career? Have you ever wondered how to align your career goals with your personal growth? Career planning requires careful consideration, thorough research, and flexibility. By using tools like a career goal planner, you can set clear career development goals and create a roadmap to achieve them. Successful career planning involves continuous learning, self-reflection, and adaptability.

For holistic guidance, consider a career tarot card reading. It can provide unique insights and help you uncover potential career paths. At Urja Healing with Dr. Avisha Mathur, you can take a personalized career session to align your career aspirations with your personal growth. Imagine using this guidance to balance your professional ambitions and achieve a fulfilling career. Stay focused on your goals, and you will achieve the career success you desire.



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Client Testimonials

Inspiring testimonials from our satisfied clients

A true testament to URJA's energy healing is our clients' inspiring words showcasing life-changing breakthroughs and renewed sense of purpose:

testimonial testimonial
  • 1

Hi, Avisha : You are an incredibly gifted tarot card reader and the reading with you recently was truly an enlightening experience. Your readings are both insightful and accurate, providing valuable guidance and direction for those seeking answers. Your intuition and ability to connect with the cards is truly remarkable. You have a deep understanding of the tarot and how to interpret the meanings of the cards. The reading was delivered with compassion and understanding, and I left feeling reassured and positive. Your ability to help people gain clarity and direction in their lives is admirable. Your readings are not only precise but also very helpful in providing deeper understanding. You possess a unique talent in deciphering and interpreting the messages of the cards. I appreciate the time and energy you put into every reading. Most importantly you said exactly same as what my horoscope guru has told before. I thank you for sharing your gifts with me.

- Prejin from Canada

  • 2

"One of the best experiences of my life! I have worked with many healers, but the experience with Avisha was unique. Above all, we covered and healed as many areas in 11 days as we would “normally” in 4 months. With her range of knowledge, she is a real gift to anyone who will work with her."

- Nejc from Slovenia

  • 3

Hello Urja Healing!
You did wonders for me, your therapy sessions are amazingly Good.I was at the stage of my life, where I was completely confused, how can I improve my situation, and then I came across URJA HEALING. You showed me the path, where nothing is impossible and now I am following it, and everything seems to be wonderful.
Kudos to you!!

- Simran

  • 4

Often heard that " life is a roller coaster", experienced this recently.

Life is unpredictable, what is happening next is next to impossible to explain, a time came in my life where there was darkness everywhere, my sister was inch by inch by my side. Lots of talks, discussions, and solutions were done but all in vain. Then my sister introduced me to Avisha Mathur.

Words fail to describe her. If you are stuck in life and have lost your direction of life Avisha is the google.

Right from the first meeting my problems became smaller and smaller and I became clearer and clearer. She is a perfect blend of not less and not too much. Her tough and appropriate counselling gave me an awakening and nudge to move away from the inflicted dilemmas, she helped me to come out of my mental loop of problem and solution. She made me realize that the remote control of my life is in my hands.Avisha guided me like a small child lost in woods .My life is still under construction but now I know which step to take next.

A big difference, a huge change and I regained my lost smile which was very dear to me. Thank you Avisha. Buzz her if vou are stuck in life. # rise above the problems with AVISHA.

- Meenakshi

  • 5

I connected with Dr Avisha at the lowest point in my life (both personally and professionally). I had lost my confidence and doubted myself even for simple tasks.

Routine jobs would overwhelm me.

I couldn't talk to my dear ones and gradually felt disconnected from everyone. A painful miscarriage made me realize that i needed help.

Trealised how paralysed i was with all the negative thoughts and energy inside me. That's when i took 11 day session with Dr. Avisha, who was referred by a common friend. In the first session itself i could feel a connect with her and conversing with her (online) came very easy to me. What amazed me the most was how Dr. Avisha could perceive my feelings even when we were not talking. So after 3-4 sessions, one day i was troubled by something and i had a restless night going through the issue. In the next session Dr. Avisha told me how she could feel me having a debate last night (which i was doing mentally with my self).

Other sessions revealed how i was affected by my childhood events and how i can let go of my thoughts and inhibition to be myself again. Her non-judgmental and kind conversations helped me to be true to myself. After the 11 day session, i really did feel as if the mist of negative energy was lifting away from me. Gradually i took hold of my life and started bringing in positive changes in my routine which boosted my mental and physical health. Her sessions helped me find myself again and de-clutter my negative thoughts.

Since her sessions, i feel more confident in taking charge of my life. earlier i used to find various reasons for how i will fail a task and now even when i find myself in a challenging situation, i find a solution. Her continued support for the last one year has kept me being mentally stronger and more active.
Much gratitude

- Gauri

  • 6

v\Living away from parents, siblings itself takes a toll on your health mind and soul, that too during the covid times, when you had no idea whether you will meet your dear ones again...

During these dreadful times, I came across Dr Avisha's energy healing sessions.

It was the bestest thing that happened to me during those tiring times.

It brought a ray of sunshine in my gloomy mind.

It made me relaxed not only physically but also mentally.

The energy healing sessions with her were the best part of the day and slowly the therapy lead me into positivity. It gave me hopes and made me a happy healthy soul.

I would totally recommend these beautiful healing session to everyone who is having a hard time in their lives.

- Priya

  • 7

Hi Avisha,
liust want to let vou know that the skin in the face is calmer, the inflation has reduced since yesterday. Above all I felt joy. My mood changed for the better. After the session I slept for two hours. In the evening I invited my best friend to go for a drink and we enjoyed so much. It was long time I didn't feel that joy.

Thanks for the beautiful session and all the kindness, empathy and love you put on the session. I feel not judged and that I trust you try your very best.
Looking forward to the session today again.
Lots of gratitute to you

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